It's really important to store a copy of your Dragon Medical 4 user profile.

If something goes wrong with your computer due to a Windows update, virus or other problem, we can quickly restore your Dragon medical user profile and you won't have to retrain it or teach Dragon new words again.
This will save you a lot of time and frustration. But we can't do this if you haven't remembered to export your profile every two or three months.
Now is a great time to do this important step.
One of the main reasons why a user profile will become corrupted is if you forget to close Dragon before completely befor shutting down your computer. So please make sure you are shutting down Dragon Medical each day when you are finished. TOOLS - EXIT DRAGON
If you're using Dragon Medical 2/3 or 3.2 then this guide will show you how to export the user.
If you have any difficulties exporting or restoring the user profile, and you've got an active technical support agreement with us - then please call 1300 255 900 and we will help you out.